Research contributions

Research contributions developed with the CaPiRe data from the research group of the PRICE project or from users of CaPiRe. If you are interested in having your work listed below please get in touch with us by writing at Note that for selected works, the user data (older versions of the CaPiRe dataset or specific dataset of realized variables) will be available through the Data Repository of the Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Padova See the section Download for additional details.

Recent publications

Caporin, M., 2023, The role of jumps in realized volatility modeling and forecasting, Journal of Financial Econometrics, 21 (4), 1143-1168,

Caporin, M., Di Fonzo, T., and Girolimetto, D., 2023, Exploiting Intraday Decompositions in Realized Volatility Forecasting: A Forecast Reconciliation Approach, available at arXiv,